Ottoman Turks is no longer out to prove anything. 2019 saw the release of their debut record, produced by John Pedigo (Old 97s, Vandoliers). It came thundering through the polished Americana scene like a Freightliner with shot brakes. But they’re far from finished. The debut was a promise of more: Ottoman Turks II is here. Turks music exists somewhere in between a honky tonk and punk club. It’s original and real, both blistering and smooth, like the beer after a shot or the lime after tequila.
While the focus is always on having a frenetic good time, the Turks never let that dilute a song’s substance, even when discussing such well-traveled territory as drinking and breakups. Lyrics are delivered with a wink, and there’s a layer of satire over the whole album. It’s in this wild flip between self-deprecation and self-confidence one reads the truth - where one finds humanity. And all of this complexity from a party band.
It was a pure love of music that brought them together. The joy of creating moments onstage trumps all, and Ottoman Turks II offers plenty of moments for such antics. Every spin of the record is a party, engineered to represent the explosive energy of the Turks stage show (try not to blow your speakers). No, the band is done proving themselves - they’re here to stay. The only guarantee they’ll make is this: you WILL have a good time.